
其他考試時間、查分時間 免費短信通知
commandant 司令
a commanding officer. In France, used for an airline pilot (le commandant de bord), in the Army as appellative for a chef de bataillon or a chef d'escadron (roughly equivalent to a major) or in the Navy for any officer from capitaine de corvette to capitaine de vaisseau (equivalent to the Army's majors, lieutenant-colonels and colonels) or for any officer heading a ship.
comme ci, comme a 馬馬虎虎,不如人意
"like this, like that"; so-so, neither good nor bad. In French, usu. couci-coua.
comme il faut 它是務(wù)必的;適度的,穩(wěn)妥的
"as it must be" : in accord with conventions or accepted standards; proper.
communiqu 政府報告
lit. communicated; an official communication.
concierge 看門人,撲點,管理員
a receptionist at a hotel or residence. As they have a reputation for gossiping, concierge is also a mild insult if you call anyone who isn't a receptionist that (meaning you're a shameless gossiper).
concordat 契約書
an agreement; a treaty; when used with a capital C in French, it refers to the treaty between the French State and Judaeo-Christian religions during the French Empire (Napoleon) : priests, ministers and rabbis became civil servants. This treaty was abolished in 1905 (law Church-State separation) but is still in use in Alsace-Lorraine (those territories were under German administration during 1871–1918)
confrre 合作伙伴
a colleague, esp. in the medical and law professions.
cong 離去,離開
a departure; in French refers to time off work
conte 短片小說,小故事
a short story, a tale; in French a conte has usually a fantasy context (such as in fairytales) and always begins with the words "Il tait une fois" ("Once upon a time").
contre-coup 還擊
against the blow
contre-jour 逆光
against daylight
contretemps 難測之災(zāi)難;意外事件;耽誤
an awkward clash; a delay
coquette 顯擺風(fēng)騷的女人;狐妖
a flirtatious girl; a tease
cordon sanitaire 疫防封鎖線
a policy of containment directed against a hostile entity or ideology; a chain of buffer states; lit. "quarantine line"
cortge 送殯團隊
a funeral procession; in French has a broader meaning and refers to all kinds of processions.
corve 徭役,報酬非常少乃至免費的迫不得已辛勤勞動
forced labor for minimal or no pay. In French, overall an unpleasant/tedious task.
cotte d'armes 盾形章紋,盾徽
coat of arms.
coup de foudre 霹靂,雷擊,出現(xiàn)意外
lit. thunderbolt ("strike of thunder"); a sudden unforeseen event, usually used to describe love at first sight.
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